PRP stands for Platelet-rich plasma and is derived from your own blood. It is a newer modality of treatment for the management of many joint and musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis and injury to joints or tendons using the power of your body's own healing cells.

As medical technology and research has expanded our understanding of the body's ability to repair, harnessing the regenerative healing powers of platelet-rich plasma has shown to be an effective and safe pain treatment for a variety of acute and chronic conditions of the knees, shoulders, hips, back, ankle, foot, wrist, hands and elbows.

PRP therapy is a great option for two different patient populations. One is the patient with the chronic pain such as long standing arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions. The other is the patient with an acute injury which might otherwise take 8-12 weeks to heal and is looking to do something to attempt to expedite the recovery process. That is why PRP has become so popular among athletes and there have been many media reports of elite athletes receiving PRP treatment for injuries. Only your doctor can tell whether you are a candidate for therapy. Please schedule your free phone consultation with our Board Certified Rheumatology Physician to find out if you are a candidate.

You can expect your visit to be very comfortable and professional. Our team of experienced physicians are specialists in Rheumatology which is a branch of medicine concentrating on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. First you blood will be drawn and will be spun in a special machine to separate the platelets from other blood components. The platelet rich portion of the blood which includes your own body's cells which help to heal is then extracted. The affected part of the body is anesthetized with a local anesthetic and PRP is injected into the affected area to begin the healing process.

Following the procedure, you can resume your daily routine but avoid strenuous activities such as heavy exercise or lifting. Anti-inflammatory medications are to be avoided for up to 1 week before and after the injection, as they can interfere with platelet function.

Most patients notice some element of improvement by 2-6 weeks after PRP treatment. Symptom improvement is slow and subtle as days and weeks pass, with usual report of original pain being lessened over time. Increased endurance and strength are typically reported.

At the present time, PRP injections are not reimbursable through insurance. Efforts are being made to include PRP as a covered benefit.

The risks associated with PRP treatment are minimal. The blood comes from the patient’s own body so there is no risk of rejection. In addition, there is very minimal risk for infection or complications. One of the many benefits of PRP is delayed need for surgical intervention. PRP therapy also helps relieve pain and improve functional ability.


Call us at 310-999-7528 or fill out the contact form above with your info.
